November 1, 2023 - Networking


BACKGROUND The website you are browsing right now is self-hosted (meaning that I manage the back-end) on a virtual machine! Linode is providing me with IAAS (infrastructure-as-a-service) which allows me to set up a LAMP server to host everything. LAMP is short for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, the operating system and services that make up the server. TROUBLESHOOTING […]

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October 31, 2023 - Programming

Open-AI Interface

With AI as the current hot topic and seemingly every company throwing this word around, I dive into into some of the use-cases.

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October 31, 2023 - Uncategorized

Coming Soon

Project will be posted in the next few days!

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October 29, 2023 - Programming

Stock Trading Simulator

This was the first program that I ever wrote and I did so during my Java 101 class!

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